If you need help rehoming a pet, visit Adopt A Pet at the link below to create a listing for your pet. We encourage you to ask potential adopters for a vet reference and do a home visit, to help ensure your pet is going to a safe home and a family who matches their personality.
We are not a first-come-first-served source of adoptable pets and we do not do on-the-spot adoptions. We screen all prospective adoptive families for suitability before we will release one of our pets for adoption. We do not consider adoption requests until we receive completed, written adoption applications. We often receive numerous applications on individual pets. We then work to choose the best fit between adoptive families and pets, keeping the needs of the pet foremost in our minds. We always require a home visit with prospective adoptive families prior to final approval and release of a pet. We try to limit our travel time for home visits to a two-hour driving range (about 75 miles) from Morganton, NC.
Any of our adoptable pets that are more than six months old will have been spayed or neutered prior to their release for adoption. When we release one of our pets for adoption, all of its vaccinations and worming treatments will be up-to-date and it will be current on preventive medications. All of our pets come with health guarantees from our veterinarian.
We offer 25% discounts on the adoption fee to senior citizens and to active,
reserve, separated or retired veterans.
You can also direct any questions about adopting one of our available pets
to our e-mail at this link: abetterlifear@gmail.com.
~ Featured Pets ~
If you are interested in fostering or adoption, please contact us by email (abetterlifear@gmail.com) or voicemail (828-584-6767), or fill out the forms provided below.
Bunny, Burnie, Boone, and Maryanne are looking for temporary foster familes or foster to adopt homes! They are 8 weeks old, and need a little TLC! Fill out a foster application or adoption application below!
P.O. Box 8311, Morganton, NC 28680
(828) 584-6767
You can view our adoptable pets using these direct links below that will take
you right to our dogs up for adoption!
Click on buttons below for more information and applications for fostering or adoption
a 25% discount from our Adoption Fee.
Please Contact Us for more Details!
Animals that are reported lost or owners that need help in re-homing their
pet are encouraged to visit us on our Facebook page
and send us a request.